петък, 30 декември 2011 г.

FROM: Bickel Sandhu Consulting, 6760 Mussi Rd Ironside, OR 97908, USA (http://BickelSandhuConsulting.com)
CONTACT: Rob Bickel, Co-Owner, Phone: 5412129788, Fax: 8663743056, rbickel@bickelsandhuconsulting.com, Bickel.robert@gmail.com

Bickel Sandhu Consulting To Release New Non-Intrusive Evidence Tracking System, Dec. 1!

Bickel Sandhu Consulting, known for its long history of supporting network infrastructures starting some 10 years ago, has today announced its newly created RFID-Evidence-Tracking system, which uses a blend of technologies to track evidence, inventory evidence, control access to evidence, and detect theft of evidence, will be officially released December 1.
The new product, RFID-Evidence-Tracking, is a very powerful evidence management and full tracking system specifically designed to automate evidence tracking and the control of police department equipment.
According to Co-Owner Rob Bickel, the key to the program is the use of RFID technology to perform evidence tracking and to control police department assets. “Our site license gives you full tracking and monitoring capability with alarm events,” said Rob, who today made the announcement of the scheduled release of RFID-Evidence-Tracking.
This new RFID-Evidence-Tracking and management system offer its users the following features:
  • Eliminate tedious handwritten intake sheets with automated intake templates
  • Immediately print of audit sheets for current inventory and chain of custody
  • The evidence tracking portion of the system help users be more efficient in a number of ways. 
  • The PMI Evidence Tracker includes an automated chain of custody with a time/date stamp for each piece of evidence. 
  • It comes with an Activity Log that reports every entry and change made in the program by each user. 
The system also comes bundled with an ‘Asset Entry into Evidence Tracking Program’, which include features such as assigning a category, manufacturer, model, acquisition date, assigned to, value, and a detailed description of each piece of police property,” noted Rob.

The RFID-Evidence-Tracking system, aimed at law enforcement and industrial clients, is a uses a new proprietary technology that makes it fast, seamless, and non-intrusive. And even though evidence accountability systems starting showing up over the last 3 years, according to Rob, only a few such installations exist globally. “Theft of evidence and sloppy chain of custody is an angle to improve reading as well,” he noted.

The RFID-Evidence-Tracking system is simply an “Evidence Workflow Automation” system that can be customized to suit any location hardware and software package. Such packages, said Rob, utilize proprietary software and technology to log interactions with evidence, whereabouts of evidence, inventory evidence, and control access to evidence.
“Benefits to using The RFID-Evidence-Tracking system,” said Rob, “include the reduction of man hours previously needed, provides a clear chain of custody, and performs a daily full inventory of evidence automatically.”
With ever rising instances of evidence theft, most instances of evidence theft are from law enforcement officers themselves, Rob noted that the consequences of evidence theft can be dire in the lack of ability to prosecute a criminal. “Not only is the platform non-intrusive, proprietary, and automated,” said Rob, “but it’s also very fast, the platform has the ability to inventory up to 200 pieces of evidence per second.”
The RFID-Evidence-Tracking, according to Rob, is an offshoot technology of a larger scale platform generally used in oil fields.
For further information, please contact: Rob Bickel, Co-Owner, Phone: 5412129788 Fax: 8663743056, rbickel@bickelsandhuconsulting.com, Bickel.robert@gmail.com, or visit http://BickelSandhuConsulting.com)

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